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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Take a Journey with Us

While you are here today check out our blog.  It is full of interesting and insightful musings.  Also, check out Mind, Body & Spirit.  There you will find fabulous articles about ways to find the more inside of you!

Warm light and energy to you all!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Your Inward Oasis

Take at least five minutes just for you every day.  Find a place where you can lie down, close your eyes and allow yourself to melt into the floor.  Focus on your breath and relax.  You will be amazed at the difference these few minutes a day can make in your life.  

Sunday, December 12, 2010

You cannot cure anything with lack.  Hunger can only be cured by feeding that hunger, trying to ignore it only makes the hunger grow until it consumes you!